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Tag: the little things

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

When the sun stays out past 7 pm The smell of your favorite coffee shop Waking up without an alarm Perusing through old photo albums Reading a book in bed Leaving a hefty tip for a good waiter/waitress Sleeping on clean sheets Long lunch breaks Discovering a new hobby Afternoon naps

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

A full moon Fresh iced tea Fast food companies that deliver Good service at a restaurant A new recipe that turns out successfully Coffee dates Movie theatre seats Movie theatre popcorn Meeting a fitness/health goal Forgetting you ordered something for yourself online and discovering it waiting for you at your doorstep

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Holidays off from work 2. Having your favorite leftovers for lunch the next day 3. Receiving a compliment from a stranger 4. Wearing shorts for the first time after a long winter 5. The anticipation of wearing a new outfit 6. Midday naps 7. Lunch breaks with friends 8. Unexpected raise or bonus at work 9.…