
I can support your efforts

Tag: Social Work

Never Alone

By Melissa Kaiser

You have the sun on your face and the wind at your back. You have sand between your fingers and grass under your toes. You have oxygen in your lungs and blood running through your veins. Whenever you feel lonely, call upon all that touches you to feel alive again. You are never alone. -keep…

It’ll be okay…

By Melissa Kaiser

It’ll be okay, even if you…. Slept in too late  Made a mistake  Couldn’t focus at work  Didn’t meet your goal Feel tired  Want to be sad  Fear change  Compare yourself to others  Over analyze  Said no  Aren’t perfect  Think life is hard  Can’t let go  Broke the rules  Don’t know the answer  Are angry …

Who Are You?

By Melissa Kaiser

I am the unwavering love that encompasses you every minute of every day. I am the calm before the storm, and the calm once the storm subsides. I am the truth, I am real. I am everything you want to be, and what you realize you already are. I am your base, the support to…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. When your health insurance covers the entire medical bill 2. BOGO sales 3. Scheduling a massage 4. The combination of freshly washed sheets and shaved legs 5. Snow days 6. Writing on a marker board 7. Running your hands through a fresh haircut 8. Pulling the pizza out of the oven just as the cheese…

Honoring Your Uniqueness

By Melissa Kaiser

If there is one thing we are all guilty of, it’s living our lives for other people. We forget to step into our power and own who we are. We forget to focus on our own aspirations and instead worry about pleasing those around us. And when we do this, we lose the ability to…