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Tag: Social Work

Top 10 Reasons To Call In Sick

By Melissa Kaiser

On Monday I woke up with an agenda on my mind. I had things to do, people to see, and money to make. It was a Monday, after all, and we all know what that means! So you can imagine how frustrating my morning was, waking up sick as I have been the past few days.…

Easter Is Here, A Time For Regrowth!

By Melissa Kaiser

The time has come to celebrate rebirth, Christianity and religion, and spring. Yay for Easter! Easter is a great time to focus on many blessings in life, and one in particular is change and regrowth. During the time of Easter, I like to focus on celebrating nature after the long and cold winter dissipates. As the…

What Am I Doing Here?

By Melissa Kaiser

We all do it…Have those moments of panic when thinking about what we are doing with our lives, where we are headed, and our inability to predict the future. We feel lost, unsure, confused, and may feel we are headed towards a dead end. I am here to remind you that those feelings can be normal;…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Holidays off from work 2. Having your favorite leftovers for lunch the next day 3. Receiving a compliment from a stranger 4. Wearing shorts for the first time after a long winter 5. The anticipation of wearing a new outfit 6. Midday naps 7. Lunch breaks with friends 8. Unexpected raise or bonus at work 9.…