
I can support your efforts

Tag: smile often

Hard is Hard

By Melissa Kaiser

I do not know a single person who has not been through a hard time in their life. In fact, most everyone I know has had several difficult situations they would qualify as being hard…It’s human, it’s expected, and hard is going to continue entering into our lives. Yet we overlook everyone’s hard because we…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. When your health insurance covers the entire medical bill 2. BOGO sales 3. Scheduling a massage 4. The combination of freshly washed sheets and shaved legs 5. Snow days 6. Writing on a marker board 7. Running your hands through a fresh haircut 8. Pulling the pizza out of the oven just as the cheese…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

The smell of coffee in the morning People with contagious laughs Donating to a good cause Compliments on a new outfit Finding an old gift card you forgot you had Getting birthday cards in the mail Writing with your favorite pen ~ For the ladies ~ Not having any patches of hair on your knee cap…

One Swear Word A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

By Melissa Kaiser

Laugh all you want, but I truly feel like swearing is an underutilized coping mechanism that often gets judged. If there is one thing I can say that continuously provides some relief and humor in my life, it’s swearing…. Think about how much more you’re able to withstand the pain of stubbing your toe when…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

The changing of the seasons Social outings with friends on week nights Letting balloons drift off into the sky The smell of a newborn baby Free cookies 90’s music Encouraging coworkers Standing ovations The smell of fall Contagious laughter