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Tag: positive thoughts

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Good hair days 2. Calm, quiet snow fall 3. Wedding celebrations 4. A giant cup of your favorite coffee 5. The smell of Subway 6. Being asked if you’ve lost weight 7. Finishing a good book 8. Christmas movies 9. Packing for a vacation 10. The cozy feeling of walking around in your favorite slippers

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Finishing a tough workout 2. Low gas prices 3. Baby’s laughter 4. Finding money on the ground 5. That one beer or glass of wine at the end of a long day. 6. Stretching 7. Waking up and realizing you can sleep a few more hours. 8. Sitting in a hot tub outdoors under…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Getting goose bumps when stepping into a hot shower. 2. Receiving surprise letters in the mail. 3. Unexpected work bonuses. 4. Getting to the store register to realize the item you’re purchasing is on sale. 5. Receiving a genuine thank you from someone after you help them. 6. Receiving overwhelming amounts of support when…

Dear Negative Nancy, You’re Not Welcome Here!

By Melissa Kaiser

Negativity is poison to our body and minds. It consumes us, it takes over. And it does so with ease….We barely even know it’s happening. The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will be. Would you agree with this statement? I think that is an easy ‘yes’ for most people. But,…