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Tag: love yourself

It’s A Good Week To Have A Good Week

By Melissa Kaiser

Self worth and positivity, baby, that’s where it’s at! Today’s post is all about these lovely things and how easy peezy it is to incorporate some self lovin’ and  positive vibes into your every day routines. What a great way to start out the week! Take vacations, take long vacations. None of this one-day-off junk!…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Finding good bargains 2. Finishing a good book 3. Getting through an entire tube of chapstick without losing it or melting it into your clothes while in the laundry machine. 4. Organizing a new purse or wallet 5. Buy one get one free, of anything 6. Cozying up in a fuzzy robe with a…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. Holidays off from work 2. Having your favorite leftovers for lunch the next day 3. Receiving a compliment from a stranger 4. Wearing shorts for the first time after a long winter 5. The anticipation of wearing a new outfit 6. Midday naps 7. Lunch breaks with friends 8. Unexpected raise or bonus at work 9.…

The Power of Vulnerability

By Melissa Kaiser

It’s true….The word ‘vulnerable’ is viewed pretty negatively. It makes sense that the word is viewed negatively because to be vulnerable means that we are in a state of weakness, being more susceptible to physical or emotional harm. It reminds us that we have insecurities and cannot cope with everything that comes our way. And who…

Being Selfish Is Not Selfish

By Melissa Kaiser

I know that you have heard me say it before, but I want you to know some really good news!!! Are you ready for it? Here it goes….  It is okay to be selfish sometimes. Isn’t that relieving?! Knowing that you can focus on yourself and your own needs, and not have to feel guilty…