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Tag: love life

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

1. When your health insurance covers the entire medical bill 2. BOGO sales 3. Scheduling a massage 4. The combination of freshly washed sheets and shaved legs 5. Snow days 6. Writing on a marker board 7. Running your hands through a fresh haircut 8. Pulling the pizza out of the oven just as the cheese…

Honoring Your Uniqueness

By Melissa Kaiser

If there is one thing we are all guilty of, it’s living our lives for other people. We forget to step into our power and own who we are. We forget to focus on our own aspirations and instead worry about pleasing those around us. And when we do this, we lose the ability to…

A Letter To Yourself

By Melissa Kaiser

Dear Self,I am sorry. I am sorry for being so hard on you. I am sorry for not accepting you just the way you are. For not loving you the way you deserve to be loved. For not taking care of your needs, and putting others first. I am sorry for letting opinions outside of…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

When the weather cooperates for holiday travel plans Company leaving after a long weekend Putting your clothes on straight from the dryer Having the ‘skip’ option on Youtube commercials The last day of work before vacation or a holiday When the neighbor shovels your driveway Putting a pinch of salt in your beer When your…

Failing Forward

By Melissa Kaiser

What is the opposite of success? (*Hint*   The answer is not failure) The opposite of success is quitting.  When we quit, that is when we give up any opportunity we have to succeed. We miss out on the opportunity to see what it is we’re really made of. And how can we succeed if we don’t…