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Tag: life

You Know You’re A Social Worker When…

By Melissa Kaiser

You often hear people say “I do not know how you do your job”. You do not hesitate to discuss child abuse during supper time. You spend more than half your days doing paperwork. Daily you use the words ‘assessment’, ‘appropriate’, and ‘intervention’. You have to explain  over and over again that social workers do…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

Lazy Sundays Wearing a new pair of shoes for the first time Good hair days Zipping into a pair of pants that have not fit for a few years Dinner with friends The smell of supper waiting for you when getting home from work Receiving a homemade gift from a child Surprise flowers Reaching out to…

Life’s Too Short

By Melissa Kaiser

It’s true…. Life is WAY to short to be unhappy. Our days here truly are limited, so it’s really important that we make the most of it. We really do exhaust ourselves without even realizing it a lot of the time. From work loads that seem to follow us home, children and their busy schedules, laundry…