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Tag: life

To Feel It All Is To Be Alive

By Melissa Kaiser

We are supposed to feel… Emotions are meant to awaken us. We are supposed to love and hate and cry and laugh. That’s the point. To feel it all is to be human. We are supposed to be destroyed. Pick up the pieces over and over again. Don’t avoid it, don’t remove it. Accept the…

Turning People Into Trees

By Melissa Kaiser

When you go out into the woods and you look at the trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent and some of them are straight. Some of them are evergreens and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why…

One Swear Word A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

By Melissa Kaiser

Laugh all you want, but I truly feel like swearing is an underutilized coping mechanism that often gets judged. If there is one thing I can say that continuously provides some relief and humor in my life, it’s swearing…. Think about how much more you’re able to withstand the pain of stubbing your toe when…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

  A successful first date New slippers Toddlers trying to walk in boot and snowsuits The smell of Barnes and Noble Drinking your favorite fountain pop A baby falling asleep in your arms Lighting a new candle for the first time Wedding receptions Someone letting you budge in line Getting reimbursed for college books at…