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Tag: happy

Happiness is Religion

By Melissa Kaiser

Life is too short.We say this often in various situations, but how many times do we actually apply it to our lives? How often do we think about what this really means, and if we truly live by these words when we say them? My mom and I were having a discussion about this recently,…

You might assume…

By Melissa Kaiser

That you don’t matter much to this world. But someone wears that favorite sweater you gave to them. Someone hears a song that reminds them of you, or quotes something you said. Someone watched the Netflix documentary you recommended. Someone laughs when they remember the joke you told them. Someone feels loved because of your…

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

When the sun stays out past 7 pm The smell of your favorite coffee shop Waking up without an alarm Perusing through old photo albums Reading a book in bed Leaving a hefty tip for a good waiter/waitress Sleeping on clean sheets Long lunch breaks Discovering a new hobby Afternoon naps

Happy Things Thursday

By Melissa Kaiser

Belly laughs Adult sleepovers Holidays that fall on a Monday Watching your plants grow Heated car seats Making a donation to a good cause New pillows Tears of joy When slow drivers move over to allow you to pass them When your flight is on time

Feeling Into Your Thinking

By Melissa Kaiser

Feelings…Feelings, feelings, feelings! We are full of ‘em. Every single thought we have has a feeling attached to it. Often times those feelings are emotions we stuff deep down instead of dealing with them…And there’s a huge myth out there that goes something like this; if we avoid our feelings they don’t exist and they…